Thank you for visiting the NCG site,

While you are here, I want to remind you that no matter what your current relationship with God may be, He is greater than any lack of communication.

He proceeds it and exists triumphantly with your communication or without it; and yet, He is the most patient.

Remaining faithful, God awaits the time you will acknowledge His presence in your life again.

The good you are still able to do today is the reason your life is worth living, and some unlike yourself wake up without the thought to do good at all.

This is why you are so very important to the world. You think of doing good, and that makes you a treasure.

Save what is good in you, and foster it with the one who put it there.

There is no need to wait to begin bringing the experience of God to others.

You do not need to repent for weeks before feeling ‘holy enough’ to do so.

Today, you are so very Good.

I love the Goodness, the Truth and the Beauty of You.

Thank God for you,




To start again, say this prayer, and say it every day.

Your suffering is invaluable to others, and should never be wasted.

Please, always, offer it to Jesus through the most doting mother we could ever ask for.


O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

I offer you the prayers, works, joys, and suffering of this day

in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass said throughout the world today.

For all the Holy Souls in Purgatory,

For Sinners Everywhere,

For Sinners in the Universal Church,

and those within my home and my family.



I must always practice to remember my Guardian Angel.

I often forget I have such an immediate aid available to me.

Here is the prayer for your angel:


Angel of God, My guardian dear,

To whom God’s love commits me here,

Ever this day be at my side,

To light, to guard, to rule and to guide.




Go to Sunday Mass.

Even if you don’t like the people.

Even if you don’t like the priest.

Appear at the foot of the cross to say I love you,

and do this every week.


Pray to want, to want, to pray.

Pray to want, to want, to love what is Good.